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Movie poster for "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" at 34 St. Penn Sta. subway entrance, and Empire State Building behind, Manhattan, January 9, 2012.
Manhattan, NY, USA - January 9, 2012: Movie poster "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" hangs illuminated at night over Penn Station subway entrance with Empire State Building in background. At stairwell entrance to the MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority) 34 Street Penn Station subway station. [Fictional movie is set at time of 9/11 terrorist attacks on Twin Towers in NYC.]
![Manhattan, NY, USA - January 9, 2012: Movie poster "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" hangs illuminated at night over Penn Station subway entrance with Empire State Building in background. At stairwell entrance to the MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority) 34 Street Penn Station subway station. [Fictional movie is set at time of 9/11 terrorist attacks on Twin Towers in NYC.]](